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Monday, December 24, 2012

Green Bros. Solar Farms

 Green Brother Solar, LLC installed solar hot water systems on 7 farms in Western North Carolina

                                                     Click for Solar farms video !!!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

The 20-evacuated tube heat pipe collector system $6,500 fully installed 828 280-7287

65% tax credits from state and federal governments can put your costs right within reach.
* Lower your monthly heating bill
* reduce carbon use via electricity
* Be the first in your area to "GO SOLAR"

Call Accem Scott
828 280-7287
FREE consultation and E-Book!!

Above is the smaller roof mounted 12-evacuated tube heat pipe collector (see specs below for the 20-tube system)

Above are the design specs for the PV powered 20-evacuated tube heat pipe collector TZ58/1800-20R which is fully SRCC certified

Call Accem Scott
828 280-7287
FREE consultation and E-Book!!

Stand-mounted 20-evacuated tube heat pipe collector

Energy Deregulation and solar nation e-book!
Support independent publishing: Buy this e-book on Lulu.

Call Accem Scott
828 280-7287
FREE consultation free e-book with resources!!

Purchase new solar system (20 tubes, 63 gal tank, all supplies and labor)

Monday, July 23, 2012

How To Bring Your Electric & Gas Bill to Zero

                       How to bring your electric &
                                                 gas bill 
                                           down to zero  
                                          in three years:

                  If you live in a Energy deregulated State !

I have been traveling for the last few months working with solar clients in many states in the northeast & installing solar hot water on farms in Western North Carolina. The northeastern states of New York, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Connecticut have something that we in North Carolina don’t have, Energy Deregulation. 

For many folks in the West Coast energy deregulation has been a challenging proposition and has lead to a divided conversation of its value to the consumer. The fact is like telephone deregulation of the 80’s we will eventually choose who will be the next Sprints/MCI’s/and Verizon’s of the energy world.
With a little research we have the opportunity to be ahead of the curve as this the last of the large government regulated industries goes deregulated.
I have seen where energy deregulation along with a three step plan to get your home or property progressively off the grid is not only a positive way to go but can bring the added benefit of bringing extra cash into the homeowner or business’s pocket.

The plan works like this:

1.     The first year you make as many home/business energy improvements as possible thereby saving as much as $40-100 a month with simple DIY projects. (see changes you can make below)

1b. Also in year one you should find a reputable company that supplies your    
       electric/gas at a cheaper rate than your utility and sign up. You can save  
       here a boat-load on money (up to 20% for both electricity and gas in  
       some areas.) Read my Energy Shoppers guide to navigate some of the pit

2.    In year two install a solar hot water system onto your property
        ($6,500 fully installed) Receive 30% federal tax credit & 35% state credit
        ** state credits are different for each state. (Used solar systems can be  
        brought for as little as $2,500)

3.    In year three install one 3-5 Kw solar electric system onto the property.

At this point you should be 80-90% energy – independent.
Each succeeding year you can continue to beef-up your system with additional panels and things like solar floor heating.

Call now for a free energy consultation & e-book on tips to save 10-20% immediately on your energy bills. Also how to do Energy Deregulation for yourself, your friends and your family.
828 280-7287

Buy my E-Book, "Solar & Energy Deregulation" 
Get the latest research and contacts....ASAP!

The Magic and Power of the 'Biz' Plan

Accem Scott has owned and operated businesses for as long as he can remember. Like most serial entrepreneurs, Accem possesses the fire, determination, and focus required to start and grow a business. But until he moved to Western North Carolina and opened Green Brothers Solar, there had been one piece of magic missing—developing the business plan.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

New Round Of Farm grants for renewable technology

USDA Announces Renewable Energy and Efficiency Grants
Applications are now being accepted by USDA Rural Development.
Compiled by staff
Published: Jan 23, 2012

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack on Friday announced that USDA is seeking applications to provide assistance to agricultural producers and rural small businesses to complete a variety of energy efficiency and renewable energy projects. Funding is available from USDA's Rural Energy for America Program authorized by the Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008.

"Renewable energy development presents an enormous economic opportunity for rural America," said Vilsack. "This funding will assist rural farmers, ranchers and business owners to build renewable energy projects, providing opportunities for new technologies, create green jobs and help America become more energy self-sufficient."

The Rural Energy for America Program is designed to help agricultural producers and rural small businesses reduce energy costs and consumption and help meet the Nation's critical energy needs. For 2012, USDA has approximately $25.4 million budget authority available to fund REAP activities, which will support at least $12.5 million in grant and approximately $48.5 million in guaranteed loan program level awards. USDA is accepting the following applications:

renewable energy system and energy efficiency improvement grant applications and combination grant and guaranteed loan applications until March 30, 2012;
renewable energy system and energy efficiency improvement guaranteed loan only applications on a continuous basis up to June 29, 2012;
renewable energy system feasibility study applications through March 30, 2012; and
energy audits and renewable energy development assistance applications through February 21, 2012.

More information on how to apply for funding is available in the January 20, 2012 Federal Register, pages 2948 through 2954.

This funding is an example of the many ways that USDA is helping revitalize rural economies to create opportunities for growth and prosperity, support innovative technologies, identify new markets for agricultural producers, and better utilize our nation's natural resources. At Secretary Vilsack's direction, USDA is working to develop the national biofuels industry producing energy from non-food sources in every region of the country. USDA is conducting and encouraging research into innovative new energy technologies and processes, helping companies build biorefineries – including the first ever commercial-scale cellulosic ethanol facilities – and supporting farmers, ranchers, and businesses taking risks to pursue new opportunities in biofuels. Along with Federal partners, USDA is establishing an aviation biofuels economy, and has expedited rules and efforts to promote production and commercialization of biofuels.